Plotting Fractals in WebAssembly

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6: Zooming In 7: WebAssembly and Web Workers  
7.3 Create the Web Worker 7.4 Adapt the Main Thread Coding  
7.4.4: Send/Receive Web Worker Messages 7.4.5: Adapt WebAssembly Function mj_plot  

7.4.5: Adapt WebAssembly Function mj_plot

Now that the UI and Web Worker side of things is done, we finally need to change function mj_plot to run in such a way that multiple instances of itself can run without trampling on each other.

This means two fundamental changes need to be made (one of which is very simple):

  1. The value of the pixel currently being plotted must be held in shared memory.

    This means that function mj_plot can no longer use private index counters such as $x_pos and $y_pos to keep track which row and column is currently being worked on. Instead, the next pixel to be calculated must be read from shared memory, incremented, then written back again as an atomic operation. This is known as an atomic read-modify-write (atomic.rmw) operation.

    In this manner, multiple instances of the function mj_plot can read their next pixel from shared memory, increment it and write it back again without duplicating (or interferring with) the work of any other mj_plot instance.

  2. Function mj_plot is currently structured as a nested loop. We first loop around all the rows in the image, then within each row, we loop around each column. Hence the need for two internal index counters $x_pos and $y_pos.

    This is fine when there’s only one instance of mj_plot running, but now that multiple instances will all be running in parallel, we cannot safely perform two atomic read-modify-write operations and expect the values of $x_pos and $y_pos to remain related to each other.

    What we now need to do instead is store a single pixel counter value in shared memory that represents the current pixel being worked on. This value will continue to grow until it reaches the total number of pixels in the image (I.E. $pixel_count = $width * $height).

    Each instance of mj_plot can then safely read-modify-write this single value.

    After all the workers have finished plotting an image, this pixel counter must be reset to 0. This action is not performed in the WebAssembly coding, but in the main thread’s message handler when it detects that all the workers have finished.

Modifying Module mj_plot

In the same way we needed to change the memory declaration in the colour_palette module, we must make a corresponding change in module mj_plot.wat:

  (import "js" "shared_mem" (memory 46 46 shared))

  ;; snip

If you forget to make this change, then you will not see any errors at compile time! At runtime however, you will see this error message in the browser console:

LinkError: WebAssembly.instantiate(): mismatch in shared state of memory, declared = 0, imported = 1

The problem here is that the host environment and the WebAssembly module disagree on whether or not they should share memory.

In our case, the host environment used WebAssembly.Memory() to create 46 pages of shared memory ( shared: true), but WebAssembly declared (memory 46) instead of (memory 46 46 shared). So when the WebAssembly module starts up, it see that its own memory has not been declared as shared (declared = 0), but the memory it imports from the host environment has been created as shared (imported = 1).

Since this mismatch would lead to all sorts of confusion (and violate WebAssembly’s safety principles), it cannot be permitted to exist, so a runtime error is thrown.

Modifying Function mj_plot

The first thing we need to establish is where in shared memory the pixel counters will live. Here, we are free to choose any locations we like - so long as everyone looks in the same place! We are plotting two fractal images, so we need two pixel counters: one for the Mandelbrot Set and the other for the Julia Set.

For simplicity, both pixel counters will be i32 values and live at offsets 0 and 4 for the Mandelbrot and Julia Sets respectively. This in turn means that the previous memory location of the Mandelbrot image data (offset zero) must be shifted down by 8 bytes.

Here’s a perfect example of where, within its own memory space, a WebAssembly program is only as memory-safe as you make it!

If you accidentally write data to the wrong offset, too bad!

Other than attempting to write outside the bounds of your entire memory space, WebAssembly does not perform any internal boundary checks to prevent you from doing this…


So first we create some local variables to keep track of things like:

  • How many pixels need to be calculated
  • What the current pixel is
  • Where in memory is the next pixel value located.

The following code snippets show the relevant changes to function mj_plot. So right at the start, we need to add:

(local $pixel_count i32)
(local $this_pixel i32)
(local $next_pixel_offset i32)

;; How many pixels in total need to be calculated?
(local.set $pixel_count (i32.mul (local.get $width) (local.get $height)))

;; Pick up the shared memory location of the next pixel to render
;; Next Mandelbrot Set pixel - offset 0
;; Next Julia Set pixel      - offset 4
(local.set $next_pixel_offset
  (if (result i32)
    (local.get $is_mandelbrot)
    (then (i32.const 0))
    (else (i32.const 4))

Previously, we used the internal $x_pos and $y_pos counters to control a nested loop:

(loop $rows
  ;; Continue plotting rows?
  (if (i32.gt_u (local.get $height) (local.get $y_pos))

    (loop $cols
      (if (i32.gt_u (local.get $width) (local.get $x_pos))
        ;; snip
    ) ;; end of $cols loop
) ;; end of $rows loop

Now, we simply have a single loop that performs an atomic read-modify-write on the next pixel value in shared memory, then converts that pixel number to the correct row and column coordinates ($cy and $cx respectively):

(loop $pixels
  ;; Continue plotting pixels?
  (if (i32.gt_u
    (local.get $pixel_count)
    (local.tee $this_pixel
      ;; This is all-important statement!
      (i32.atomic.rmw.add (local.get $next_pixel_offset) (i32.const 1))
    ;; Convert x position to x coordinate
    (local.set $cx
        (local.get $cx_int)
          ;; Derive x position from $this_pixel
          (f64.convert_i32_u (i32.rem_u (local.get $this_pixel) (local.get $width)))
          (local.get $ppu)
    ;; Convert y position to y coordinate
    (local.set $cy
        (local.get $cy_int)
            ;; Derive y position from $this_pixel
            (f64.convert_i32_u (i32.div_u (local.get $this_pixel) (local.get $width)))
            (local.get $ppu)

    ;; snip

) ;; end of $pixels loop

Notice the i32.atomic.rmw.add statement. This is the read-modify-write statement that performs three operations as an atomic unit:

  1. It reads an i32 value from the offset in shared memory found in the first argument ($next_pixel_offset) and pushes it onto the stack
  2. It then adds the value found in the second argument (i32.const 1)
  3. The result of the addition is written back to the same location in shared memory

The result is that the original value is now on the top of the stack ready for use, and the incremented value is available in shared memory to be read and acted upon by some other thread.

Next, we convert the value of $this_pixel into the corresponding row ($cy) and column ($cx) coordinates using some precalculated intermediate values stored in $cy_int and $cx_int.

Now that we have derived the correct X and Y coordinates, we simply continue as before…