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2: Creating a WebAssembly Module

Remember that a WebAssembly program can only be invoked from a host environment. This will either be a language runtime such as JavaScript or Rust, or it could be a WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) such as the one provided by wasmer. Either way, from the perspective of the host environment, the WebAssembly module is the basic unit of instantiation.

Here’s a syntactically correct, but completely useless WebAssembly module.



Although this module contains zero functionality, we can compile it and attempt to run it using wasmer:

wasmer 02-useless.wat

No prizes for guessing however that this produces an error message:

error: failed to run `02-useless.wat`
╰─> 1: The module has no exported functions to call.

Well, that’s hardly surprising since this is an empty module!

Adding a Function

Let’s now make the above module slightly less useless by adding a function that does nothing more than return the number 42


  (func               ;; Declare a function
    (export "answer") ;; Expose this function using the external name "answer"
    (result i32)      ;; Declare that this function returns a 32-bit integer
    (i32.const 42)    ;; Push 42 onto the stack
  )                   ;; Exit the function
  ;; Any value left on the stack automatically becomes that function's return value.
  ;; It is your responsibility to ensure that this value's data type matches the
  ;; declared return type

Let’s now compile and run this program:

wasmer 02-slightly-less-useless.wat

Hmmm, another error, but fortunately, we are presented with an informative message

error: failed to run `02-slightly-less-useless.wat`
╰─> 1: No export `_start` found in the module.
       Similar functions found: `answer`.
       Try with: wasmer 02-slightly-less-useless.wat -i answer

Unless you say otherwise, wasmer attempts to run a function called _start. So at this point we have two options:

  1. We could rename the function answer to have the default name _start, then it would be executed automatically (however, the return value would be suppressed1); or,
  2. We can pass wasmer the invoke argument (-i) and then provide the function name we wish to run
wasmer 02-slightly-less-useless.wat -i answer


Although this module is still pretty useless, we have just created the smallest functional WebAssembly module possible.

  1. A basic design concept here is that a WebAssembly module instance should persist for some extended period of time. By design therefore, the _start function exists simply to perform whatever start-up functionality is required to prepare a persistent module instance for use. Once started, its functionality is then invoked through the module’s public API of exported functions.

    Consequently, wasmer assumes that the default function _start will not return any value: in fact wasmer suppresses _start’s return value. Even if we did use the default function name _start, we would only see its return value if we explicitly specify the function name using the invoke (-i) argument.