Plotting Fractals in WebAssembly

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2: Initial Implementation 3: Basic WAT Implementation 4: Optimised WAT Implementation
3.4: Escape-Time Algorithm 3.5: Calculating the Mandelbrot Set Image 3.6: Displaying the Rendered Fractal Image

3.5: Calculating the Mandelbrot Set Image

Now that we have a bare-bones function to calculate the value of a single pixel, we can simply call this function for every pixel in the image.

;; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;; Plot Mandelbrot set
(func (export "mandel_plot")
      (param $width i32)     ;; Canvas width
      (param $height i32)    ;; Canvas height
      (param $origin_x f64)  ;; X origin coordinate
      (param $origin_y f64)  ;; Y origin coordinate
      (param $ppu i32)       ;; Canvas pixels per unit on the complex plane (I.E. zoom level)
      (param $max_iters i32) ;; Maximum iteration count

  (local $x_pos i32)
  (local $y_pos i32)
  (local $cx f64)
  (local $cy f64)
  (local $cx_int f64)
  (local $cy_int f64)
  (local $pixel_offset i32)
  (local $pixel_val i32)
  (local $ppu_f64 f64)
  (local $half_width f64)
  (local $half_height f64)

  (local.set $half_width  (f64.convert_i32_u (i32.shr_u (local.get $width)  (i32.const 1))))
  (local.set $half_height (f64.convert_i32_u (i32.shr_u (local.get $height) (i32.const 1))))

  (local.set $pixel_offset (global.get $image_offset))
  (local.set $ppu_f64 (f64.convert_i32_u (local.get $ppu)))

  ;; Intermediate X and Y coords based on static values
  ;; $origin - ($half_dimension / $ppu)
  (local.set $cx_int
             (f64.sub (local.get $origin_x)
                      (f64.div (local.get $half_width) (local.get $ppu_f64))
  (local.set $cy_int
             (f64.sub (local.get $origin_y)
                      (f64.div (local.get $half_height) (local.get $ppu_f64))

  (loop $rows
    ;; Continue plotting rows?
    (if (i32.gt_u (local.get $height) (local.get $y_pos))
        ;; Translate y position to y coordinate
        (local.set $cy
            (local.get $cy_int)
            (f64.div (f64.convert_i32_u (local.get $y_pos)) (local.get $ppu_f64))

        (loop $cols
        ;; Continue plotting columns?
          (if (i32.gt_u (local.get $width) (local.get $x_pos))
              ;; Translate x position to x coordinate
              (local.set $cx
                  (local.get $cx_int)
                  (f64.div (f64.convert_i32_u (local.get $x_pos)) (local.get $ppu_f64))

              ;; Store the current pixel's colour using the value returned from the following
              ;; if expression
                (local.get $pixel_offset)
                (if (result i32)
                  ;; Does the current pixel hit max_iters?
                    (local.get $max_iters)
                    ;; Calculate the current pixel's iteration value and store in $pixel_val
                    (local.tee $pixel_val
                      (call $escape_time_mj
                        (local.get $cx) (local.get $cy)
                        (f64.const 0) (f64.const 0)
                        (local.get $max_iters)
                  ;; Yup, so return black
                  (then (global.get $BLACK))
                  ;; Nope, so return whatever colour corresponds to this iteration value
                    ;; Push the relevant colour from the palette onto the stack
                      (i32.add (global.get $palette_offset)
                               (i32.shl (local.get $pixel_val) (i32.const 2))

              ;; Increment column and memory offset counters
              (local.set $x_pos (i32.add (local.get $x_pos) (i32.const 1)))
              (local.set $pixel_offset (i32.add (local.get $pixel_offset) (i32.const 4)))

              ;; Plot the next column
              br $cols
        ) ;; end of $cols loop

        ;; Reset the column counter and increment the row counter
        (local.set $x_pos (i32.const 0))
        (local.set $y_pos (i32.add (local.get $y_pos) (i32.const 1)))

        ;; Plot the next row
        br $rows
  ) ;; end of $rows loop

When looking through the coding, the following points are important:

  1. The mandel_plot function is not called from anywhere inside the WebAssembly module; therefore, it does not need an internal name, only an exported name

  2. This function writes to shared memory; therefore, it has no need for a result clause

  3. Since this function works using two different frames of reference (pixel locations in the canvas image and coordinates on the complex plane), it needs to know:
    1. How to transform a canvas pixel location to the corresponding coordinates in the complex plane. These two frames of reference are linked by supplying the arguments $origin_x and $origin_y. These are the X and Y coordinates of the central pixel in the image and vary as the user zooms in and out of different areas of the Mandelbrot Set.

    2. At what zoom level is the image being rendered?

      To answer this question, we must supply the argument $ppu (or pixels per unit). To plot the initial view of the entire Mandelbrot Set, one unit on the complex plane occupies 200 pixels in our 800 by 450 pixel image: hence $ppu = 200.

  4. The basic structure of the WAT function follows the structure used in the JavaScript implementation; that is, a pair of nested loops.

  5. Certain optimisations have been implemented in order to avoid calculating the same value multiple times. Hence intermediate values such as $half_width, $half_height, $cx_int and $cy_int

  6. It is very important to remember that the $x_pos and $y_pos loop counters are integers that count off pixel positions in the canvas, but the escape-time algorithm requires coordinate values. This has two consequences:

    1. Each index value must be transformed from a pixel position to a coordinate in the complex plane

    2. Coordinates are floating point numbers, not integers. Therefore, we must employ type-conversion instructions (such as f64.convert_i32_u) to convert unsigned 32-bit integers into 64-bit floating points.

      This also applies to the use of the $ppu argument value. It is supplied as an i32, but must be converted to an f64 before it can be used.

  7. Just before the call to $escape_time_mj, we use the instruction i32.tee. This instruction is useful because it does two things at once:
    1. It stores a value in a local variable (in this case $pixel_val), and
    2. It leaves the stored value on the top of the stack, thus saving us from needing to perform a subsequent local.get ...